Source code for planetaryimage.cubefile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy

from .image import PlanetaryImage
from .specialpixels import SPECIAL_PIXELS
from .decoders import BandSequentialDecoder, TileDecoder

[docs]class CubeFile(PlanetaryImage): """A Isis Cube file reader. Examples -------- >>> from planetaryimage import CubeFile >>> image ='tests/data/pattern.cub') >>> # Examples of CubeFile Attributes >>> image.base 0.0 >>> image.multiplier 1.0 >>> image.specials['His'] -3.4028233e+38 >>> image.tile_lines 128 >>> image.tile_samples 128 >>> image.tile_shape (128, 128) """ PIXEL_TYPES = { 'UnsignedByte': numpy.dtype('uint8'), 'SignedByte': numpy.dtype('int8'), 'UnsignedWord': numpy.dtype('uint16'), 'SignedWord': numpy.dtype('int16'), 'UnsignedInteger': numpy.dtype('uint32'), 'SignedInteger': numpy.dtype('int32'), 'Real': numpy.dtype('float32'), 'Double': numpy.dtype('float64') } BYTE_ORDERS = { 'NoByteOrder': '=', # system 'Lsb': '<', # little-endian 'Msb': '>' # big-endian } SPECIAL_PIXELS = SPECIAL_PIXELS def _save(self, file_to_write, overwrite): raise NotImplementedError def _create_label(self, array): raise NotImplementedError @property def _bands(self): return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['Dimensions']['Bands'] @property def _lines(self): return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['Dimensions']['Lines'] @property def _samples(self): return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['Dimensions']['Samples'] @property def _format(self): return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['Format'] @property def _start_byte(self): return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['StartByte'] - 1 @property def _dtype(self): return self._pixel_type.newbyteorder(self._byte_order) @property def base(self): """An additive factor by which to offset pixel DN.""" return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['Pixels']['Base'] @property def multiplier(self): """A multiplicative factor by which to scale pixel DN.""" return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['Pixels']['Multiplier'] @property def tile_lines(self): """Number of lines per tile.""" if self.format != 'Tile': return None return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['TileLines'] @property def tile_samples(self): """Number of samples per tile.""" if self.format != 'Tile': return None return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['TileSamples'] @property def tile_shape(self): """Shape of tiles.""" if self.format != 'Tile': return None return (self.tile_lines, self.tile_samples) @property def _byte_order(self): return self.BYTE_ORDERS[self._pixels_group['ByteOrder']] @property def _pixels_group(self): return self.label['IsisCube']['Core']['Pixels'] @property def _pixel_type(self): return self.PIXEL_TYPES[self._pixels_group['Type']] @property def specials(self): """Return the special pixel values""" pixel_type = self._pixels_group['Type'] return self.SPECIAL_PIXELS[pixel_type] @property def data_filename(self): """Return detached filename else None.""" return self.label['IsisCube']['Core'].get('^Core')
[docs] def apply_scaling(self, copy=True): """Scale pixel values to there true DN. Parameters ---------- copy: bool [True] Whether to apply the scaling to a copy of the pixel data and leave the original unaffected Returns ------- Numpy Array A scaled version of the pixel data """ if copy: return self.multiplier * + self.base if self.multiplier != 1: *= self.multiplier if self.base != 0: += self.base return
[docs] def apply_numpy_specials(self, copy=True): """Convert isis special pixel values to numpy special pixel values. ======= ======= Isis Numpy ======= ======= Null nan Lrs -inf Lis -inf His inf Hrs inf ======= ======= Parameters ---------- copy : bool [True] Whether to apply the new special values to a copy of the pixel data and leave the original unaffected Returns ------- Numpy Array A numpy array with special values converted to numpy's nan, inf, and -inf """ if copy: data = elif != numpy.float64: data = = else: data = data[data == self.specials['Null']] = numpy.nan data[data < self.specials['Min']] = numpy.NINF data[data > self.specials['Max']] = numpy.inf return data
[docs] def specials_mask(self): """Create a pixel map for special pixels. Returns ------- An array where the value is `False` if the pixel is special and `True` otherwise """ mask = >= self.specials['Min'] mask &= <= self.specials['Max'] return mask
[docs] def get_image_array(self): """Create an array for use in making an image. Creates a linear stretch of the image and scales it to between `0` and `255`. `Null`, `Lis` and `Lrs` pixels are set to `0`. `His` and `Hrs` pixels are set to `255`. Usage:: from planetaryimage import CubeFile from PIL import Image # Read in the image and create the image data image ='test.cub') data = image.get_image_array() # Save the first band to a new file Image.fromarray(data[0]).save('test.png') Returns ------- A uint8 array of pixel values. """ specials_mask = self.specials_mask() data = data[specials_mask] -= data[specials_mask].min() data[specials_mask] *= 255 / data[specials_mask].max() data[data == self.specials['His']] = 255 data[data == self.specials['Hrs']] = 255 return data.astype(numpy.uint8)
@property def _decoder(self): if self.format == 'BandSequential': return BandSequentialDecoder(self.dtype, self.shape) if self.format == 'Tile': return TileDecoder(self.dtype, self.shape, self.tile_shape) raise ValueError('Unkown format (%s)' % self.format)